Building A Focused Leadership Compentency Scheme

Building A Focused Leadership Compentency Scheme

How does one set about becoming a truly great business leader.  Now this is the 64 thousand dollar question.  Nothing else matters in life for some people and their direct intervention in their operatinal workings makes them expert in the field of running a business.  They know every aspect of how it ticks and what makes it do that well.   Being a smart leader is more about having a wide knowledge of how to do the job well and know how to treat other people so they also do their very best in their own roles.  Leades should be able to display compentencies that outshine others in their field.   A good policy is to recruit business leaders who display well defined compentencies that demonstrate how they do the actual job and not just talk about doing the job.  It’s not always what you know, it is how you show what you know in the way that you do the job.

A company needs to focus on developing a set of absolutely clear and achieveable compentencies for staff to aspire to.  A leader should be busy all the time so they will know exactly where and how to develop their career strategies that show how this directly benefits the company operation.   Focusing on key compentencies will allow them to actively put their knowledge into practice in their work and they way they treat colleagues and customers alike.